Sunday, April 15, 2018

Aquarius Mystery Solved - Doh!

"That's All Folks," Aquarius Puzzles, 1000 pieces, 20 x 28

Well...this just stinks. I was really enjoying this puzzle, and it was going very quickly because it's largely made up of primary colors. I knew that when I started working on the "words" in the puzzle that things would slow down, and I was more correct about that than I realized. The yellow pieces with red lines look very much alike when chopped up and spread out into one pile, and that was bad enough. But I finally got into a good rhythm and worked my way through all the pieces, only to find that there aren't enough of them there to finish the word "Tunes." 

I am at least TWO, and probably THREE, pieces short in this puzzle already, and I know this at the 400-piece mark on my progress toward completing it. Believe me, these yellow pieces just jump out at you, so if they were still in the remaining stack of pieces, they would be easy to find. Now, no matter what happens with the rest of the pieces, the puzzle is doomed to have a big, very noticeable, hole in it. That takes away much of the fun of completing this one now, but I imagine I'll trudge on to the finish line anyway.

Note: This is only the second Aquarius puzzle I've ever built, both of them bought brand new. The first one was a 1500-piece Coca Cola posters puzzle that had one piece missing in the left vertical border (and again, I knew this very early on because I always complete the puzzle's "border" first). Now this one has at least two pieces missing. 

EDIT: Lesson learned...look closely at the picture and you will see what I just noticed finally: by sliding the "E" down to the "S" I get a clean fit and all the pieces are suddenly accounted for. Doh! (The lefthand side of this row was tied in to the border and I thought I had the right angle...nope.)


  1. It happens to all of us Sam. I do that more than I'd like to admit. LOL

    1. It's kind of strange. I stared at that puzzle for an hour before the fit just suddenly jumped out at me and made me wonder how I could have ever missed it. Another reason I love jigsaw puzzles...
